Sunday, October 28, 2007

Operaton Kid Comfort Update

Fabled Fibers: Art Quilt Enchantments, the challenge exhibit that illustrates fifty favorite children's stories, is now viewing online at Visit our exhibit schedule regularly to learn of new venues in your area.

Fabled Fibers products directly benefit Operation Kid Comfort, the Armed Services YMCA program that provides photo-transfer comfort quilts and pillows to America's littlest heroes, the children of our deployed service men and women.
Armed Services YMCA
208 Thorncliff Drive
Fayetteville, NC 28303
Phone: (910) 436-0500
Fax: (910) 436-0018

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Marines Have Landed!

...or actually, evacuated. Last night my son came home along with 3 of his Marine buddies. They had to leave Camp Pendleton because of the fires, after moving all the vehicles out of harms way.

It was funny yesterday to hear some callers on talk shows ask "Where is the National Guard? Where are the Marines?" My guests chuckled and said, "It's kind of hard to fight a wall of fire with an M-16."

It's strange that some people don't understand that the firefighters are trained to fight fires...while the miitary is trained to keep us safe from our enemies. Everyone has their role!

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